The Panzer IILs came out OK. Experimented with using 4 lb. fishing line for the antennas and so far they are holding up well. I went a little overboard on the weathering.
I started using Vallejo Pigments for weathering after seeing the Flames of War You Tube video on the Panzer IV L/70 video. I researched pigments more and tried using techniques used on 1/35th scale tanks.
All the Panzer IILs and the Sdkfz. 234/1s were given full decal treatments. The 234/1s did not get turret numbers but got license plates.
(More pictures at the bottom of the page)
I'm on a North Africa and Eastern Front kick for some reason. I started delving into Early War stuff. I bought some Panzer III G and Hs for Early and Mid War Afrika. Since I wasn't sure if I wanted to build the vehicles as 5cm L/42s or 5cm L/60s I decided to magnetise the barrels and give me the options. I guess I'm being a bit anal.
Thanks to the guys a WWPD for invigorating my interest in Africa although I still want to field an Italian Tank Company!
Coming up next month:
Two new building projects. Once is a multi story French hotel and I'll be building a 8 building city block and a JR Miniatures factory for WWPD Stevograd.... destroyed that is.